Did you know?
Our exercise book covers are made from manilla which is a 100% recycled material, and they're produced in the UK! We read statements like this every day on many types of paper and packaging, so we thought we'd share a bit more about the fascinating process behind the manilla covers that are used for our RHINO exercise books and the many positive benefits to the surrounding environment.
The Making of Manilla
Our school exercise book manilla covers are 100% recycled; made from 100% reworked fibre which starts out as waste from other production runs at the paper mill.
So, it's a reused by-product which is a great way to reuse, reduce and recycle!
The paper itself contains 7% moisture; the mill draws water from the local river for production, with over 90% of the water taken is returned clean to the river downstream of the mill.
In fact, this river is so clean that it's been classed as a Site of Special Scientific Interest because it is home to a thriving population of white-clawed crayfish (a species that signifies water purity)… probably a welcome treat for the local otter population too!
And there is zero waste sent to landfill...
Even the fibrous waste extracted from wastewater is land-spread on local farmland, all approved by the Environment Agency, as it's been shown to have agricultural benefits.
Be on the lookout - if you see a rainbow of colours in a field, it may be that the farmer has been using this colourful paper residue!