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Our Commitment to Sustainability & Recycling

Case Study: The Making of our Manilla Covers

Our school exercise book manilla covers are 100% recycled; made from 100% reworked fibre which starts out as waste from other production runs at the paper mill. The paper itself contains 7% moisture; the mill draws water from the local river for production, with over 90% of the water taken being returned clean to the river downstream of the mill. In fact, this river is so clean that it's been classed as a Site of Special Scientific Interest because it's home to a thriving population of white-clawed crayfish (a species that signifies water purity)… probably a welcome treat for the local otter population too!

And there's zero waste to landfill... even the fibrous waste extracted from waste water is land-spread on local farmland, all approved by the Environment Agency, as it's been shown to have agricultural benefits.

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Protecting Rhino's with Save the Rhino International

2024 marks Save The Rhino International's 30th anniversary, a remarkable achievement highlighting their unwavering commitment to rhino conservation.

Looking back on the past three decades, there's much to celebrate. Across Africa, rhino populations have more than doubled, rising from fewer than 10,000 in the early 1990s to a more encouraging 23,290 by the end of 2022. Greater one-horned rhinos have also seen success, with their numbers increasing to 4,018 and successful reintroductions in India and Nepal.

Victor Stationery has proudly partnered with Save the Rhino International for nearly two decades in this critical fight. Since 2006, the Save the Rhino logo has graced the backs of every RHINO Exercise Book, Notebook, and Pad. This serves as a constant reminder of the vital cause and a way to raise much-needed awareness. So far we have donated over €150,000 to this great cause.

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Growing a Greener Future with the Tree Council of Ireland

Demonstrating a commitment to environmental responsibility from an early stage, AISLING partnered with the Tree Council of Ireland in 2000. This collaboration saw informative content about native Irish trees featured on the back of every AISLING exercise book, raising awareness and educating students, teachers, and families across the country. Their dedication to a greener future took root in 2023 with a monumental pledge: to plant and protect a tree for every school in Ireland.

This ambitious initiative will not only have a lasting impact on the environment but also lead to the creation a project known as the 'AISLING Forest', aimed at promoting environmental awareness and sustainability among students and the broader community. This woodland serves as a commitment to environmental stewardship and education, fostering a connection between young learners and the natural world.

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Our Commitment to Quality and the Environment

Preservation of the environment remains at the centre of our business ethic and we continue to invest in ways to minimise the environmental impact of our operations, through many types of initiatives including using recyclable materials and working alongside the Irish Tree Council and the charity Save the Rhino International. Additionally we have FSC® (FSC - C092742), PEFC and Swan Label certification. Furthermore, we utilise only safe, water-based inks and ensure all paper products are 100% recyclable, minimising environmental impact throughout the product lifecycle.

All our products come with a lifetime warranty and a commitment to sustainable sourcing and minimal waste, so you can be confident of the very best quality and environmentally conscious paper products to support you and your business objectives too.

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Zero Plastics

In 2018, we initiated a drive towards removing all single-use plastics from our products and packaging. We are continuously improving and are happy to announce that all plastic shrink-wrap from Rhino exercise books has been replaced with a much more sustainable paper banding, helping us eliminate over 60 tonnes of single-use plastic per year!

" Our work to reduce the amount of single-use plastic in the packaging of our exercise books has already saved hundreds of tonnes of plastic, but we believe that the story has just begun. We are at the beginning of an exciting phase of the history of the business where our efforts and desire to make a change can make positive impact on the environment for the future."
- Robert Moore, CEO at Victor Stationery
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Sustainable Practices & Quality Assured with Accreditations and Certifications

This dedication permeates every aspect of our business, from sourcing materials to crafting finished products.

We prioritise sustainability through FSC® (FSC - C092742) and PEFC certifications, ensuring our materials originate from responsibly managed forests and other controlled sources. This safeguards the health of our planet's vital ecosystems for future generations.

Our commitment extends beyond materials. With over 80 years' experience, we continuously refine our manufacturing processes to achieve optimal results. This dedication to excellence is further reflected in our Swan Label accreditation, signifying adherence to rigorous environmental standards throughout production. This includes not only the materials we use but also the production methods themselves and our approach to waste handling, with a special emphasis on continuous improvement through the Kaizen philosophy.

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